Researcher discovers deep sea sharks are buoyant

19. Juni 2015

In a study published recently, scientists from UH Mānoa and the University of Tokyo revealed that two species of deep-sea sharks, sixgill and prickly sharks, are positively buoyant – they have to work harder to swim downward than up, and they can glide uphill for minutes at a time without using their tails.



First complete assessment of European marine fishes highlights major threat from overfishing

03. Juni 2015

A total of 7.5% of all European marine fish species are threatened with extinction in European waters, according to the European Red List of Threatened Species published today by IUCN and the European Commission. While some species are recovering, marine management has been less successful for many other commercial fishes: 40.4% of European sharks, rays and chimaeras face an elevated risk of extinction.



How sharks and rays claspers evolved

30. April 2015

How did animals like sharks and skates evolve claspers—paired penislike organs found on male pelvic fins—like the ones seen on the male skate on the left? For years, their origin has remained an evolutionary mystery, but now, a new study suggests that regulation of the genetic circuit known as the Sonic hedgehog (Shh) pathway by sex hormones may be the answer.



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